Analysis of scientific production on psychology during the period 2020-2024 in SciELO


Análisis de la producción científica sobre psicología durante el período 2020-2024 en SciELO



Juan Leonardo Pacios Dorado 1*, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1539-7904


Fausto Ampudia Cantillo 2, https://orcid.org/0009-0002-5884-4962


Ricardo Rodríguez González 2, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5141-7410


Yamil Peralta Villazón 2, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0966-4335


Ernesto Alejandro Gómez Pérez 2, https://orcid.org/0009-0001-7333-5237


Miguel Ángel Machado Rojas 2, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5886-6884


1 University of Medical Sciences, Havana, Calixto García Faculty. Havana, Cuba.


2 University of Medical Sciences, Havana, “Manuel Fajardo” Faculty. Havana, Cuba.


* Corresponding author: jlpd2018@nauta.cu



Received: 23/03/2024


Accepted: 05/05/2024


How to cite this article: Pacios Dorado JL, Ampudia Cantillo F, Rodríguez González R, Gómez Pérez EA, Machado Rojas MA. Analysis of scientific production on psychology during the period 2020-2024 in SciELO. Med. Es. [Internet]. 2024 [cited access date]; 4(3):e247. Available in:  https://revmedest.sld.cu/index.php/medest/article/view/247     




Introduction: bibliometric analysis in psychology is helpful for researchers, therapists, and mental health policymakers. It helps to improve the quality of care and identify areas of need in the treatment of psychological disorders within clinical settings.


Objective: to analyze the level of scientific production on psychology in SciELO during the period 2020-2024.


Methods: a bibliometric, observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study of scientific production published in SciELO. The universe consisted of 10,316 articles, with none excluded. The variables analyzed were: SciELO collection, year of publication, typology, citable items, and language. Statistical measures such as absolute and relative percentage frequencies were applied. The results are presented in tables and graphs.


Results: the articles mainly belong to the Brazil collection, and the highest number of published articles correspond to the years 2020, 2021, and 2022. Original articles stood out as the article typology, and Spanish prevailed as the language.


Conclusions: psychology studies human behavior and mental processes. Bibliometric analysis is useful in psychological research to identify trends and areas of interest. It helps psychologists to see new areas of study and guide future research.


Keywords:  Bibliometric Indicators; Bibliometrics; Medical Psychology; Scientific production




Introducción: el análisis bibliométrico en psicología es útil para investigadores, terapeutas y responsables de políticas de salud mental. Ayuda a mejorar la calidad de la atención e identificar áreas de necesidad en el tratamiento de trastornos psicológicos dentro de entornos clínicos.


Objetivo: analizar el nivel de producción científica sobre psicología en SciELO durante el período 2020-2024.


Métodos: estudio bibliométrico, observacional, descriptivo y transversal de la producción científica publicada en SciELO. El universo estuvo integrado por 10 316 artículos, sin excluirse ninguno. Se analizaron las variables: colección SciELO, año de publicación, tipología, citables e idioma. Se aplicaron medidas estadísticas como frecuencia absoluta y relativa porcentual. Los resultados se presentan en forma de tabla y gráfico.


Resultados: los artículos corresponden mayoritariamente a la colección Brasil y la mayor cantidad de artículos publicados corresponden a los años 2020, 2021 y 2022. Como tipología de artículo se destacaron los artículos originales y prevalecieron los de idioma español.


Conclusiones: la psicología estudia el comportamiento humano y los procesos mentales. El análisis bibliométrico es útil en la investigación psicológica para identificar tendencias y áreas de interés. Ayuda a los psicólogos a ver nuevas áreas de estudio y guiar la investigación futura.


Palabras clave: Bibliometría; Indicadores Bibliométricos; Producción científica; Psicología Médica





The analysis of scientific production on psychology is of utmost importance in the current academic and scientific field. Psychology is a discipline that has experienced significant growth in recent decades, so it is essential to understand and evaluate the evolution of research in this area. (1,2,3)


The conceptual and historical background of the subject takes us back to the beginnings of psychology as a science, where human behavior, mental and emotional processes, as well as their impact on society and mental health have been explored. Over time, psychology has evolved and diversified, encompassing different theoretical currents and methodological approaches that have enriched its field of study. (4,5,6)


In this context, it is crucial to analyze how the diversity of approaches and themes within psychology has been reflected in recent scientific publications, as well as to identify possible gaps or areas of opportunity for future research.


A detailed analysis of the scientific production on psychology in SciELO will not only allow us to have a panoramic view of the research in this discipline, but also to identify possible emerging lines of research, interdisciplinary collaborations and priority areas to strengthen scientific knowledge in psychology. (7,8)


The need for the present study is then evident, in which we aim to analyze the level of scientific production on psychology in SciELO during the period 2020-2024.




A bibliometric, observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out, based on bibliometric indicators of scientific production (production evolution, type of article, years of publication) and impact or quality (citable or not) resulting from the SciELO database on scientific production on psychology during 2020-2024. The universe consisted of 10,316 articles that were consulted manually by accessing the SciELO database and selecting articles published between 2020 and 2024 that are related to the topic. The entire universe was worked with.


The following variables were analyzed: SciELO collection (Brazil, Spain, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Portugal, Chile, South Africa, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Costa Rica); year of publication (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024); typology (Original article, Review article, Case report); citable (citable or non-citable); and language (Spanish, English and Portuguese).


For this research, the statistical analysis of the information was carried out using absolute and percentage frequency statistics. The Excel program and the SciELO database were used.


During the research process, the statutes established in the Cuban ethical standards for research in health sciences and the bioethical principles established in the Declaration of Helsinki were complied with.




The Brazilian collection, with 3 345, shows the largest number of items, representing 32,43 %, followed by Spain with 1467 (14,22 %) and Cuba with 806 (7,81 %). (Table 1)


Table 1. Distribution of articles according to SciELO collection


SciELO Collection

Number of items























South Africa


















Costa Rica




10 316



Source: SciELO database


The years 2021 predominate with 2805 articles (27,19 %), 2020 with 2765 articles (26,80 %) and 2022 with 2483 articles (24,07 %). (Table 2)


Table 2. Distribution of articles according to year of publication


Year of publication

Number of items


















10 316



Source: SciELO database


Regarding the typology of the articles, original articles predominated with 8621, representing 83,57 %, followed by review articles with 1 222 (11,85  %) and, to a lesser extent, case presentations, with 473 (4,59 %). (Table 3)


Table 3. Distribution of articles according to typology



Number of Items


Original Articles



Review Articles



Case Presentations




10 316



Source: SciELO database


Regarding the list of articles, it was found that 9 347 of these are citable (90,61 %) and 969 are not citable (9,39 %). (Table 5)


Table 4. Distribution of articles according to citable and non-citable


Quotable and unquotable

Number of Items





Not quotable




10 316



Source: SciELO database


It is observed that the majority of the articles presented were in Spanish, with 36,74 % (n=3 790) of the total, 34.68 % (n=3 578) were exclusively in English and 28,58 % (n=2 948) were in Portuguese. (Chart 1)


Chart 1. Distribution of articles by language



Source: SciELO database




The analysis of scientific production in the field of psychology is essential to understand the development and evolution of this critical area of ​​the social sciences. Through bibliometric studies, the quantity and quality of published research can be evaluated, the main contributions of different countries can be identified, and the relevance of institutions in the advancement of psychological knowledge can be established. This type of analysis also allows for the detection of trends, areas of growing interest, and possible gaps in research that need attention. (9,10,11)


In the studies carried out by León Cano et al. (12) and by Farias Diniz et al. (13), similar results were found to those of the present research, which show that Brazil is the country with the greatest predominance in scientific production on psychology.


Cárdenas Hernández et al. (14) showed similar results by showing that one of the years that prevailed most in terms of scientific production was 2021. Similarly, Jiménez Franco (15) showed that the years 2020 and 2021 were the ones with the highest predominance of articles, while in the study by Jiménez Franco (16) the year with the highest predominance was 2022.


Guardiola Wanden Berghe et al. (17) and Vitón Castillo et al. (18) show similar results where they show that the largest number of published articles were Original Articles, followed by Review Articles, data that show similarity with the present research.


It is observed that the vast majority are citable, which suggests that most of the articles analyzed are considered valid sources and can be used in research or other academic works. On the other hand, the remaining ones that are not citable could be non-academic articles, technical reports or other types of documents that do not meet the criteria to be considered as reliable references in the academic field.


In the present research, articles in Spanish predominate, data that do not coincide with what was stated by Calderon et al., (19) where articles in English were the predominant ones. However, Vilchez et al. (20) shows a predominance of the Spanish language. Valdivia Valdivia et al. (21) in their study show articles in Portuguese, but they do not predominate in the research.





Most of the articles belong to the Brazil collection, with an increase in recent scientific production in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022. Original articles predominate, suggesting a focus on generating new knowledge. In addition, articles in Spanish prevail, indicating the importance of research in this language within the analyzed context.





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JLPD: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Writing - review & editing.


FAC: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Writing - review & editing.


RRG: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft.


YPV: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft.


EAGP: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft.


MAMR: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft.




The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.




There were no sources of financing.