Preconception reproductive risk factors in women of childbearing age, Canambua neighborhood, Malanje, 2022



Preconception Risk, Fertile age


Introduction: preconception reproductive risk is the probability that a non-pregnant woman has of suffering harm, either herself or the product of pregnancy, if she is involved in the reproductive process. In Africa the number of women at this risk is high

Objective: to identify the main preconception risk factors and the use of contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age

Methodological Design: a descriptive observational study was carried out in women with preconception reproductive risk from the Canambua neighborhood of the city of Malanje, Angola, during the month of May 2022. The universe was made up of 109 women of fertile age and the sample was selected in a simple random manner by 65. They were interviewed about the variables studied. The results were expressed in absolute and percentage values and are shown in tables.

Results: 59.63 % of women had some preconception risk factor. Age and low socioeconomic level were factors present in them. Diseases such as urinary tract infections (32.30 %), alcoholism (20 %) and bronchial asthma (18.46 %) predominated. 21.53 % were multiparous, 16.92 % had an intergenic period of less than two years and 10.76 % had a history of preterm births. 50.76 % began sexual relations before the age of 18 and that same number did not use any contraceptive method

 Conclusions: women of childbearing age should be educated on the need and benefit of medical assistance from the preconception stage.


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Author Biographies

Jose Fernando Placeres-Hernandez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas

Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Medicina General Integral

Master en Ciencias en Longevidad Satisfactoria

Profesor Auxiliar del Departamento de Medicina General Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de Matanzas

Investigador Auxiliar

Fernando Paulo Bunga-Adolfo, Universidad Rainha Njinga A Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Estudiante de segundo ano de la carrera Licenciatura en Medicina

Anselmo de Assunçao Manuel-André, Universidad Rainha Njinga A Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Estudiante de segundo ano de la carrera Licenciatura en Medicina

André Maquino Camoxe-Afonso, Universidad Rainha Njinga A Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Estudiante de segundo ano de la carrera Licenciatura en Medicina

Egas Juliao-Panda, Universidad Rainha Njinga A Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Estudiante de segundo ano de la carrera Licenciatura en Medicina


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How to Cite

Placeres-Hernandez JF, Bunga-Adolfo FP, Manuel-André A de A, Camoxe-Afonso AM, Juliao-Panda E. Preconception reproductive risk factors in women of childbearing age, Canambua neighborhood, Malanje, 2022. MedEst [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Nov. 27];2(2):e146. Available from:




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