System of health hearings on preconception folic acid consumption, Guareiras, Matanzas, 2016-2018



system, health audience, knowledge, folic acid, women of childbearing age


Introduction: The periconceptional consumption of folic acid is transcendental in the prevention of reproductive deficiencies.

Objective: To implement a system of health audiences that contribute to the development of knowledge about preconceptional consumption of folic acid, in women of childbearing age in the office 24, Guareiras, Matanzas, October 2016 to March 2018.

Methodological design: An intervention was carried out between October 2016 to March 2018, the need for learning was diagnosed through a questionnaire to 51 women selected by stratified sampling (50% of the universe).

Results: There was a lack of preconception education and no consumption of pre-pregnancy folic acid in 98% of women; the level of knowledge was assessed badly and the educational needs felt high with significant correlation; A system of health audiences was positively validated by specialists. The level of knowledge of the females was good after the intervention with highly significant differences.

Conclusions: A system of health audiences was implemented whose effectiveness was proven by exceeding the knowledge of the women on the subject.


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How to Cite

Cabrales-Manrique E. System of health hearings on preconception folic acid consumption, Guareiras, Matanzas, 2016-2018. MedEst [Internet]. 2021 May 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];1(1):e13. Available from:

