Treatment plan in a patient with periodontitis, presentation of a case



Periodontal disease, Periodontitis, Treatment


Periodontal treatment planning should be based on the clinical data gathered from the patient's examination, diagnosis, and prognosis of each of the teeth. Due to the frequency with which patients with periodontitis seeking periodontal treatment appear in the dental office, this article was discovered, which aims to characterize the treatment plan of a patient with adult periodontitis. The case of a 53-year-old male patient was presented, who attended the Periodontics consultation, referred from basic services because after being evaluated and treated, bleeding persists when brushing the gums, periodontal pockets of 3 to 7 mm and tooth mobility. After anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination, localized adult periodontitis was diagnosed from 17 to 18, 35 to 38, 42 to 43, 45 to 48 with an overall favorable prognosis. The initial treatment was continued with promotional activities, tartarectomy, drug therapy, and in its surgical corrective stage with scaling and root planing and a mucoperiosteal flap filled with biomaterial. The treatment plan of the periodontal patient must be sequential and evolutionary in order to resolve the patient's reason for consultation. Procedures aimed at eliminating the causes, symptoms and signs of the disease should be arranged in advance to restore the patient's periodontal health.


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How to Cite

de León-Ramírez LL, Barroso-de la Cruz AM, Bringas-Martín M, Brito-Pérez K, Martínez-Abreu J. Treatment plan in a patient with periodontitis, presentation of a case. MedEst [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];2(3):e142. Available from:

