Expressions of the art like complementary therapy to the pediatric cancer



Infantile Cancer, Manifestations Of The Art, Complementary Therapy


Introduction: the use of therapies with artistic resources highlights as complementary therapy to assist the cancer. Its employment to patient pediatric oncologic has helped to overcome the difficulties, including the pain and the suffering.

Objective: to describe the employment of the different manifestations of the art like complementary therapy to the patients pediatric oncologic.

Methodological Design: it was carried out a bibliographical revision understood in the period of July to August of the 2023, where original articles, case reports and systematic revisions of access were consulted opened up in academic publications revised for even, of the last 5 years. The databases of SciElo were revised, Regmed, Dialnet, Mayoclinic, among others.

Development: the employment of the painting, the music, the dance, the literature and the art in the attention to children and girls with illnesses oncological have stimulated a creative experience and he/she has helped to overcome the difficulties, including the pain and the suffering.

Conclusions: the artistic manifestations play an important paper in the pediatric palliative cares helping these patients to be expressed, to carry out an emotional catharsis, to improve their resiliencia and to facilitate the acceptance of the diagnosis of their terminal illness.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Reyes D, García-Rodríguez DM, Carvajal-Otaño NM. Expressions of the art like complementary therapy to the pediatric cancer. MedEst [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 21 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];3(2):e186. Available from:

