Presence of anemia in pregnant with Slowed Intra-uterine Growth in the Dr. Agostinho Neto General Teaching Hospital
Evaluation studies, Maternal factors, Maternal nutritionAbstract
Introduction: the nutritional status of women during pregnancy can have an important influence on the health of the fetus and the mother. Nutritional anemias are the most serious and prevalent nutritional problems in almost all countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Near East.
Objective: to describe the presence of anemia in pregnant women diagnosed with Delayed Intrauterine Growth at the Dr. Agostinho Neto General Teaching Hospital.
Methodological Design: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out at the Dr. Agostinho Neto General Teaching Hospital. The population consisted of 21 patients with a diagnosis of delayed intrauterine growth. On the basis of a theoretical analysis, bibliographic search, systematic observation, the medical records of the discharged patients were reviewed and collected in a form designed by the authors; These data included the following variables: the presence of anemia, weight gain during pregnancy, school level and income.
Results: insufficient weight gain during pregnancy affected 12 patients for 57,1 %. Anemia had a high incidence with 14 patients for 66,7 % of the total. Primary secondary school and university levels prevailed with eight patients each, for 38,1% of the total respectively.
Conclusions: the presence of anemia had a high incidence, accompanied by insufficient weight gain throughout pregnancy in most patients. Economic income was not decisive in the nutritional evaluation.
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