Rehabilitation as an effective treatment for anal incontinence: case report



Therapeutic exercise, Electrotherapy, Anal incontinence, Magnetotherapy, Rehabilitation, pelvic floor


Introduction: anal incontinence is the inability to control the release of gas or fecal matter, which can be embarrassing and impact the patient's quality of life.

Objective: to describe the case of a rehabilitated patient following a diagnosis of anal incontinence.

Case Presentation: the case of a 62 -year -old male patient who was diagnosed with colon cancer is reported and surgery was performed to remove the tumor. After this, the patient began to experience anal incontinence. It underwent pharmacotherapy, but the results were limited. Testing of muscle strength, coordination of the pelvic soil and an evaluation of the ability to retain feces and gases were performed. The results showed a significant decrease in the muscle force of the pelvic soil and a reduced capacity to retain feces and gases.

Conclusions: rehabilitative treatment with physical stimulation agents and pelvic soil muscles were applied. The patient achieved anal continence, which shows rehabilitation as an effective treatment.


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Author Biography

Miguel Enrique Barroso-Fontanals, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba

Estudiante de Cuarto Año de Medicina. Alumno Ayudante de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Miembro del Grupo Científico Estudiantil Nacional Director General del Modelo de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud "SASMUS" Revisor de Revista Científica Estudiantil "UNIMED" Revisor de Revista Científica Estudiantil "MedEst" Editor de Revista Científica Estudiantil "CienCiMed"


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How to Cite

Barroso-Fontanals ME. Rehabilitation as an effective treatment for anal incontinence: case report. MedEst [Internet]. 2024 May 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];4(2):e219. Available from:




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