Esophageal motility disorders: application of high resolution manometry



esophagus, esophageal motility, esophageal motor disorders, Highresolution esophageal manometry


Introduction: The esophagus is a tubular organ of the digestive system, with a complex innervation that guarantees the coordination of its movements, which allows the transport of the food bolus from the pharynx to the stomach. An exhaustive bibliographic search was carried out on the morphophysiology of the esophagus (HRM), its motor disorders and the usefulness of manometry. 24 articles contained in SciELO and Pubmed were reviewed

Objective: To describe the usefulness of high resolution esophageal manometry in the diagnosis of motor disorders of the esophagus, taking into account its morphofunctional bases.

Development: Esophageal manometry is a minimally invasive technique that evaluates the motility of the esophagus, by recording intraluminal pressures and the coordination of the esophageal muscles.

Conclusions: High-resolution esophageal manometry is a useful tool for the diagnosis of esophageal motor disorders, where achalasia and gastroesophageal reflux disease stand out as the most frequent.


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How to Cite

Avila-Pérez M de la C. Esophageal motility disorders: application of high resolution manometry. MedEst [Internet]. 2023 May 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];3(1):e80. Available from:

