Prevalence of labial, palatal and lip-alveolus-palatal fissures in live births with respect to the country. Matanzas. 2014-2018



prevalence, cleft lip, palate and lip-alveolus-palatine, genetic counseling


Introduction: The lip-alveolus-palatal fissure occupies the first place among the malformations that affect the head and neck. It interferes with the respiratory mechanism, swallowing, speech articulation and occlusion. Aesthetic alterations compromise the affective and social state of the patient and family.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of labial, palatal and lipalveolus-palatal fissures in the province of Matanzas with respect to the country.

Materials and methods: A retrospective longitudinal descriptive study was carried out, where, based on the information obtained from the databases of the institutions: National Genetics Center, Matanzas Provincial Genetics Center and "Eliseo Noel Caamaño" Provincial Pediatric Hospital, it was analyzed the prevalence of cleft lip, palate and lipalveolus-palatine in Matanzas with respect to the country in the period from 2014 to 2018. We worked with the entire universe, made up of 28 individuals. Statistical processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel for a better representation of the results.

Results: It was observed that the prevalence rate in Cuba was higher in 2016 with 0.48 per 1000 live births, being lower in 2014 with 0.39. In Matanzas this was higher in 2016 with 1.1 per 1000 live births, being lower in 2017 with 0.55.

Conclusions: Male sex prevailed, according to anatomical defect, isolated cleft palate and the prevalence at birth in the province was higher in 2016.


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Author Biography

Jessica Rubiera-Carballosa, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Facultad Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener. Matanzas

Estudiante de quinto año de la carrera de estomatología perteneciente a las filas de UJC


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How to Cite

Rubiera-Carballosa J, Chávez-Sosa L, Pérez-Iglesias RE, García del Busto-Chinea M, Calvo-Pérez D. Prevalence of labial, palatal and lip-alveolus-palatal fissures in live births with respect to the country. Matanzas. 2014-2018. MedEst [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];1(2):e26. Available from:

